The Great Lakes Freshwater Symposium: The Impact of Phosphorus Rules on Local Water Recording

The Great Lakes Freshwater Symposium: The Impact of Phosphorus Rules on Local Water on February 28, 2023, brought together stakeholders from Canada and the United States who are interested in water-related issues.

Anya Janssen, water policy specialist at the UW-Milwaukee Center for Water Policy and a Sea Grant University of Wisconsin water science-policy fellow, presented key takeaways from the statewide conference Phosphorus: Lessons from 10+ Years of Numeric Standards for Wisconsin’s Waters.

This was the first event in a series of quarterly water symposiums sponsored by the Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin, Great Lakes Higher Education Consortium and Council of the Great Lakes Region. These symposiums seek to encourage and advance collaborations, share science across borders, encourage students in research and career opportunities and present research that is solving real-world problems.