Research Conferences

Presenting at professional conferences provides students with opportunities to share their research findings, connect with other scientists and become comfortable presenting scientific information to diverse audiences.

Great Lakes Beach Association Conference: Oct. 1-3, Grant Portage, MN

The mission of the Great Lakes Beach Association is the pursuit of healthy beach water conditions in the Great Lakes area. The conference focuses on investigation, modeling, methodology and information systems.

Wetland Science Conference: Feb. 25-27, 2025, La Crosse

The annual Wetland Science Conference is a program of Wisconsin Wetlands Association.  It includes plenary sessions, topical oral sessions, a poster session, workshops, working groups, and field trips to area wetlands. The conference will also offer many opportunities for networking and student engagement. The 2025 Call for Presentations will open in the fall.

Research in the Rotunda: March 2025, Madison

Research in the Rotunda offers students a wonderful opportunity to showcase their exciting research.

Wisconsin Lakes and Rivers Convention: March 26-28, 2025, Stevens Point

The theme of the 2025 convention is The Power of Words. By raising awareness, promoting conservation efforts, and crafting compelling messages, words can inspire action and drive positive change to protect our water resources for future generations. The conference will offer many opportunities for networking and student engagement.