Presenting at professional conferences provides students with opportunities to share their research findings, connect with other scientists and become comfortable presenting scientific information to diverse audiences.
Clean Rivers, Clean Lake Conference, Feb. 25, 2025, Milwaukee
The 20th annual Clean Rivers, Clean Lake Conference will take place at Discovery World in Milwaukee. The event draws participants from nonprofit, government, business and academic organizations to learn about improving the health of watersheds. Students can attend the conference for free! Contact Sweet Water for the student discount code.
Wetland Science Conference: Feb. 25-27, 2025, La Crosse
The annual Wetland Science Conference is a program of Wisconsin Wetlands Association. It includes plenary sessions, topical oral sessions, a poster session, workshops, working groups, and field trips to area wetlands. The conference will also offer many opportunities for networking and student engagement.
National Monitoring Conference: March 10-14, 2025, Green Bay
The National Water Quality Monitoring Council will host its 14th National Monitoring Conference in Green Bay. The event invites all federal, state, tribal and local water professionals, nonprofits, academia, water consultants and industry, and volunteer scientists to this national forum on monitoring Great Lakes, groundwater, streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands, estuaries, and oceans. The conference offers in-person and virtual-only options. Students receive discounted registration.
Wisconsin Lakes and Rivers Convention: March 26-28, 2025, Stevens Point
Theme: The Power of Words: Working for Our Waters
This statewide convention brings together professionals, students, community members, and businesses who love water. The 2025 event will feature plenary speakers, as well as interactive workshops, and content-rich concurrent sessions, with time for speakers to address participants’ questions.
The power of words is immense, especially when advocating for our waters. By raising awareness, promoting conservation efforts, and crafting compelling messages, words can inspire action and drive positive change to protect our water resources for future generations. Deadline for poster presentation and lightning talk submissions is March 1.
Research in the Rotunda: April 2, 2025, Madison
Research in the Rotunda offers students a wonderful opportunity to showcase their exciting research.
Wisconsin Chapter of AWRA: April 10-11, 2025, Wisconsin Dells
You are invited to attend the annual meeting of the Wisconsin Section of the American Water Resources Association (AWRA). The meeting will include a plenary, oral and poster sessions, plus lightning talks, addressing both surface water and groundwater issues in Wisconsin. Deadline for abstract proposals is Dec. 20.
The AWRA annual meeting is student-friendly. Students are strongly encouraged to present and discuss Wisconsin-related research in all aspects of water science and policy. Up to four awards of $200 will be offered for excellence in student oral and poster presentations.
IAGLR’s 68th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research: June 2-6, 2025, Milwaukee
The IAGLR’s 68th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research has proposed forty-seven sessions to complement the theme Creating Great Lakes Resilience. We encourage faculty, staff and students who have received funding from the Freshwater Collaborative to submit an abstract to present their research/project. This is an excellent opportunity for students to participate in an international conference! Deadline is Dec. 16.