Experts Directory

The Experts Directory comprises faculty and staff employed by one of the Universities of Wisconsin who are experts in water policy or one or more of the 10 Grand Water Challenges. Members are interested in collaborating with other researchers or are available to speak with media or community members about water issues and research.

Would you like to reach out to an expert in water research or policy? Are you interested in joining our Experts Directory? If so, submit this form. One of our staff members will follow up with you.

Adler, Rebecca

UW-Green Bay
Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network, Watershed Management & Restoration
Professor, Department of Natural & Applied Sciences. Research Topics: Stream Water Quality, Aquatic Microbiology/Mycology, Undergraduate Research, Stream Restoration

Atapattu, Sumudu

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Teaching Professor and Director of the Global Legal Studies Center, UW Law School; Executive Director, Human Rights Program, UW-Madison. Research Topics: International environmental law, environmental rights, climate change and human rights, sustainable development and water rights.
Emily Azevedo Casey

Azevedo-Casey, Emily

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Phd Student, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies. Research Topics: Water quality policy, stakeholder engagement, watershed planning, adaptive governance, boundary work, social ecological systems, power dynamics, climate change.

Berns-Herrboldt, Erin

UW-Green Bay
Research Area(s): PFAS, Phosphorus, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants
Assistant Professor, Water Science, Natural and Applied Sciences & Research. Biochemical processes that impact fate and transport of contaminants & nutrients in aqueous environments; groundwater systems & near surface soils and sediments; redox transitions driven by oxygen or iron availability.

Block, Paul

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering. Research topics: Hydrologic Forecasting and Integration into Decision Models, Climate Variability and Change, Water Quality and Quantity Extremes, Risk and Uncertainty, Sustainable Approaches

Booth, Eric

Research Area(s): Agricultural Water Management, UW Water Policy Network, Water Infrastructure, Water Security, Protection & Resilience, Watershed Management & Restoration
Research Scientist, Plant & Agroecosystem Sciences, & Civil & Env. Engineering. Research Topics: Hydroecology, Climate & Land-Use Change, Urban Stormwater Mgt, Wetland/Stream Restoration, Water Quality, Groundwater Hydrology, Geomorphology, Env. History, Agroecology, Remote Sensing, Modeling

Boyer, Tracy

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Professor and Economist, School of Freshwater Sciences. Research Topics: Environmental economics

Bulltail, Grace

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Assistant Professor, Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies. Research Topics: Water Resource Management, Indigenous Water Rights and Resource Sovereignty, Environmental Justice
Tyler Byrnes

Byrnes, Tyler

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
PhD Candidate, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies. Research Topics: water quality trading, environmental politics, environmental policy, nonpoint nutrient pollution, public lands, science communication

Carvan, Michael

Research Area(s): Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants, Water Security, Protection & Resilience
Professor, School of Freshwater Sciences. Research Topics: Environmental toxicology with a research focus on how environmental chemicals and other stressors impact neurological and behavioral systems.

Compas, Eric

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants, Water Security, Protection & Resilience
Professor, Department of Geography, Geology, and Environmental Science. Research Topics: Water access/equity; Climate chance impacts and adaptation, e.g. extreme precipitation, flooding; citizen science, water quality monitoring

Dehnert, Gavin

Research Area(s): PFAS, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants
Emerging Contaminant Scientist at Wisconsin Sea Grant. Research Topics: Aquatic toxicology, animal physiology, ecology, immunology, fish, birds.

Deng, Dong Fang

Research Area(s): Aquaculture, Aquaponics & Water Food Systems, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants
Professor, School of Freshwater Sciences. Research Topics: fish farming, fisheries, and seafood safety

Dolliver, Holly

UW-River Falls
Research Area(s): Agricultural Water Management, Phosphorus
Professor, Geology and Soil Science; Department Chair, Plant and Earth Science. Research Topics: Soil quality/health and agricultural water management (phosphorus, nitrogen, carbon, and emerging contaminants)

Ehlinger, Timothy

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network, Water Security, Protection & Resilience
Associate Professor, Institute for Systems Change and Peacebuilding. Research Topics: Social-Ecological Systems Theory, Adaptive Governance and Stewardship, Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment, Conflict Transformation, Aquatic Restoration Ecology

Feiner, Zach

Research Area(s): Aquaculture, Aquaponics & Water Food Systems, UW Water Policy Network
Research Scientist, Center for Limnology. Research Topics: Fisheries management and ecology, Climate change impacts, Recreational fisheries
Experts Directory Profile Image Default

Fish, Robert

UW-Green Bay
Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Tribal Engagement Coordinator, Green Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NEER) Research Topics: First Nations Studies, Community Partnerships and Engagement
Jeremy Foltz

Foltz, Jeremy

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Professor, Agriculture & Applied Economics. Research Topics: Environmental policy, technology adoption, agricultural policy, land and nutrient use.
Ken Genskow

Genskow, Ken

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Professor, Environmental Planning and Policy, UW-Extension Specialist, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies Affiliate. Research Topics: watershed management, rural water quality, green infrastructure, groundwater, collaborative governance, hazard mitigation plan

Giese, Erin

UW-Green Bay
Research Area(s): Great Lakes Monitoring & Restoration
Senior Scientist. Research Topics: I primarily work with birds in grassland, wetland, and forest ecosystems. I also have expertise with anurans.
Laura Good

Good, Laura

Research Area(s): Agricultural Water Management, Phosphorus, UW Water Policy Network
Scientist, Department of Soil Science. Research Topics: Agricultural Land and Manure Management, Phosphorus Dynamics

Gottschalk Druschke, Caroline

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network, Water Security, Protection & Resilience, Watershed Management & Restoration
Associate Professor, Department of English. Research Topics: Freshwater Restoration, Flooding, Discourse, Public Engagement, Freshwater Management

Harrahy, Elisabeth

Freshwater Collaborative of WisconsinUW-Whitewater
Research Area(s): Agricultural Water Management, UW Water Policy Network, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants, Watershed Management & Restoration
Associate professor of biology. Research interests: occurrence, persistence, and toxicity of contaminants (pesticides, nutrients, blue-green algal toxins, pharmaceuticals and personal care products and heavy metals) in aquatic ecosystems.

Hassanpour, Bahar

UW-River Falls
Research Area(s): Agricultural Water Management, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants
Assistant Professor, Environmental Science. Research Topics: Agricultural water quality, nutrient mitigation and removal, contaminant transport in porous media, nitrogen and carbon cycling.

Hauxwell, Jen

Research Area(s): Aquaculture, Aquaponics & Water Food Systems, Great Lakes Monitoring & Restoration, UW Water Policy Network
Associate Director, University of Wisconsin Sea Grant, Water Resources Institute. Research Topics: Great Lakes Ecosystems; Sustainable Fisheries & Aquaculture; Coastal Communities/Economies; Env Literacy/Workforce Development; Groundwater Quality, Quantity and Management; and Inland Surface Waters

Hein, Richard

UW-Green Bay
Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network, Watershed Management & Restoration
Professor, Department of Natural & Applied Sciences. Research Topics: Land Use and Restoration Effects on Surface Water Quality, Undergraduate Research
Ryan Holifield

Holifield, Ryan

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Associate Professor, Geography and Urban Studies, Center for Water Policy Scholar (2017). Research Topics: Environmental governance, environmental justice.

Holly, Michael

UW-Green Bay
Research Area(s): Agricultural Water Management, PFAS, Phosphorus, UW Water Policy Network
Associate Professor, Resch School of Engineering. Research Topics: Agricultural runoff, PFAS, Filter Media, Agricultural Waste Management, Stormwater Management, Nonpoint Source Pollution, Farm System Modeling, Environmental Fate and Treatment of Anthropogenic Chem

Jablonski, Marissa

Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin
Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants
Executive director of the Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin. She is an accomplished water engineer, environmental advisor, and plastics-reduction expert who has worked in more than 45 countries.

Jackson, Randy

Research Area(s): Agricultural Water Management, UW Water Policy Network
Professor, Department of Agronomy. Research Topics: Structure & function of Grassland Ecosystems, Nutrient Exchange, Carbon and Nutrient Cycling, Plant Community Responses to Disturbance, Agroecology, Farms as Ecosystem Units, Cellulosic Biofuel Cropping Systems,Grazing Effects on Pasture & Prairie

Javad Amirfakhri, Seyed

UW-Stevens Point
Research Area(s): PFAS
Assistant Professor. Research: Development of nanomaterials for PFAS adsorption, development of catalysts for PFAS decomposition, kinetics and mechanism of PFAS removal from water, simulation and optimization of the PFAS removal processes.

King-Heiden, Tisha

UW-La Crosse
Research Area(s): PFAS, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants
Professor, Biology. Research: the impact of early exposure to emerging contaminants on development and health later in life. Using fish as models, we bridge gaps between ecotoxicology and human health.
Julie Kinzelman

Kinzelman, Julie

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Associate Lecturer, Sustainable Management Department. Research Topics: Coastal resiliency, coastal management, water resource management, climate change, coastal restoration, delivery of ecosystem services.

Kleinheinz, Greg

Freshwater Collaborative of WisconsinUW Oshkosh
Research Area(s): Agricultural Water Management, Great Lakes Monitoring & Restoration, Healthy Recreational & Transportation Water Use, Industrial Water Engineering & Technology, PFAS, UW Water Policy Network, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants
Viessmann Chair, Professor, & Director of Environmental Research and Innovation Center. Research interests: microplastics, Great Lakes marine debris, sustainable stormwater technologies, well water monitoring, cyanobacterial toxins, microbial indicators of recreational/drinking water quality.

Klump, Val

Research Area(s): Great Lakes Monitoring & Restoration, UW Water Policy Network
Professor Emeritus, School of Freshwater Sciences. Research Topics: Biogeochemical Cycling in Aquatic Environments, Boundary Layer Processes, Research Impacts Radiochemistry, Observing Systems and Underwater Robotics

Lazkano, Itziar

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Associate Professor, Economic. Research topics: Environmental, resource and energy economics.

Lee, Tina

Research Area(s): Agricultural Water Management, Phosphorus, UW Water Policy Network, Watershed Management & Restoration
Professor of Anthropology, Department of Social Science. Research Topics: Nutrient pollution, Watersheds, Sustainable agriculture, Community Capacity for restoration and land-use changes

Lemke, Ashley

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology. Research Topics: Great Lakes, Cultural Heritage, Archaeology, Anthropology, Human-Environment Interactions

Luczaj, John

UW-Green Bay
Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants
Professor, Department of Natural & Applied Sciences. Research Topics: Groundwater Quantity and Quality, Northeast Groundwater Management Area, Water-Rock Interactions

Mapes-Martins, Brad

UW-Stevens Point
Research Area(s): Agricultural Water Management, UW Water Policy Network, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science. Research Topics: Rural Water Quality, Survey Methods, Effects of Partisan Polarization on Environmental Policy

McLellan, Sandra

Freshwater Collaborative of WisconsinUW-Milwaukee
Research Area(s): Healthy Recreational & Transportation Water Use, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants
Professor in the School of Freshwater Sciences. Research interests: bacterial genetics, fecal pollution, fate and transport of bacteria, pathogens in the environment and beach closing. 

Miller, Todd

Research Area(s): Phosphorus, UW Water Policy Network, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants
Associate Professor, Zilber College of Public Health. Research Topics: Harmful algal blooms, Emerging contaminants, Environmental monitoring electronics

Mondloch, Joseph

UW-Stevens Point
Research Area(s): PFAS, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants
Professor, Chemistry. Research: Development of porous solids that are capable of removing pollutants, such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl species (PFAS) from water.

O'Reilly, Neil

Research Area(s): Agricultural Water Management, Great Lakes Monitoring & Restoration, Phosphorus, Water Business & Finance, Watershed Management & Restoration
Emeritus Associate Professor, Conservation & Environment. Research interests:lake, stream, and wetland restoration

Olson, Eric

UW-Stevens Point
Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Director of Extension Lakes, College of Natural Resources

Orlofske, Jessica

Freshwater Collaborative of WisconsinUW-Parkside
Research Area(s): Great Lakes Monitoring & Restoration, Healthy Recreational & Transportation Water Use, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants, Watershed Management & Restoration
Associate professor of biology. Research interests: invertebrate biodiversity & conservation and biomonitoring & assessment of ecological integrity. Each of these research areas emphasizes the ecological value and diversity of invertebrates.

Pearson, Thomas

Freshwater Collaborative of WisconsinUW-Stout
Research Area(s): PFAS, UW Water Policy Network, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants
Professor, Department of Social Sciences Research Topics: Environmental Justice, Grassroots Organizing, PFAS Contamination

Phoenix, Laurel

UW-Green Bay
Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants, Water Security, Protection & Resilience, Watershed Management & Restoration
Associate Professor, Department of Geography Research Topics: Watershed Management, Drinking Water and Wastewater Management, Environmental Planning, Flooding and Climate Change, Energy Economics, Riparian Water Law Reformation

Pillsbury, Robert

UW Oshkosh
Research Area(s): Great Lakes Monitoring & Restoration
Professor, Biology and Microbiology. Research Topics: I work across the mid-west on the ecology of the invasive alga Didymosphenia geminata (rock snot). I am also working out the taxonomy of small planktonic diatoms of the Great Lakes.

Pompeii, Brian

UW-La Crosse
Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants
Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Science. Research Topics: Environmental Justice, Social Vulnerability, PFAS
James Price

Price, James

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Assistant Professor, School of Freshwater Sciences. Research Topics: Nonmarket valuation, benefit-cost analysis, source water protection, municipal water supply and demand, urban flooding.

Pujara, Nimish

Research Area(s): Great Lakes Monitoring & Restoration
Assistant Professor, Fluid Mechanics in Environmental Processes Group. Research Topics: nearshore processes, plastic pollution, wave hydrodynamics

Remucal, Christy

Research Area(s): PFAS, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants
Professor, Aquatic Chemistry. Research Topics: fate of contaminants in aquatic systems.

Rios Mendoza, Lorena

Research Area(s): Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants
Professor of chemistry. Research Topics: environmental chemistry pollution, persistent organic pollutants, heavy metals, microplastic pollution

Rissman, Adena

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of the Human Dimensions of Ecosystem Management, Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology. Research Topics: Natural resources and environmental policy, human dimensions of ecosystem management, private land conservation, publi

Robertson, Morgan

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Associate Professor, Geography. Research Topics: Environmental credit markets, Clean Water Act wetland policy.
Paul Roebber

Roebber, Paul

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, Mathematics, Center for Water Policy Scholar (2016). Research Topics: Climate change, weather systems, weather forecasting, data analytics, machine learning.

Rust, Daniel

Research Area(s): Healthy Recreational & Transportation Water Use, UW Water Policy Network
Associate Professor of Transportation and Logistics Management, School of Business and Economics. Research Topics: Educating the next generation of Wisconsin’s transportation and logistics managers; Marine transportation and climate change

Sambu, Daniel

UW-La Crosse
Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network, Water Security, Protection & Resilience
Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Science. Research Topics: Water policy and development, water sustainability, community water management, climate change and water access

Scanlan, Melissa

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network, Water Business & Finance
Professor, Lynde B. Uihlein Endowed Chair in Water Policy and director of the Center for Water Policy at UW-Milwaukee School of Freshwater Sciences. Affiliated faculty at UW-Madison Law School. Lead PI for UW Water Policy Network.

Schumann, David

Freshwater Collaborative of WisconsinUW-La Crosse
Research Area(s): Aquaculture, Aquaponics & Water Food Systems, Watershed Management & Restoration
Associate Professor. Research: Fisheries ecology and management.
Amanda Seligman

Seligman, Amanda

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Professor, History. Research Topics: Race, public policy, community organization, Chicago & Milwaukee.

Spehar, Stephanie

UW Oshkosh
Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Professor, Department of Anthropology Research Topics: Harmful Algal Blooms, Social Science and Sustainability, Human Dimensions of Environmental Issues, Social-ecological Systems

Steele, Jef

Research Area(s): Phosphorus, UW Water Policy Network, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants
Water Quality Specialist, Division of Facilities Management and Planning. Research Topics: Drinking Water Contaminants, Blue-Green Algae, and Stormwater Mitigation

Stelzer, Robert

UW Oshkosh
Research Area(s): Phosphorus, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants
Professor, Freshwater Ecology. Research: Harmful Algal Blooms, Microplastics, Biogeochemistry, Limnology

Stevens, Andrew

Research Area(s): Agricultural Water Management, Phosphorus, UW Water Policy Network
Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics. Research Topics: Agricultural Land Use, Irrigation, Nutrient Runoff, Erosion
John Stoll

Stoll, John

UW-Green Bay
Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Professor, Economics. Research Topics: Environmental valuation, resource policy, economic impact, recreation/tourism, avitourism, endangered species.
Laura Suppes

Suppes, Laura

UW-Eau Claire
Research Area(s): PFAS, UW Water Policy Network, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants
Associate Professor, Environmental Public Health Program; Steering Committee, UW Water Policy Network. Research Topics: Chemical and biological hazards in water, impact on human health, quantitative microbial risk assessment.

Tai, Steph

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Professor; Associate Dean, Wisconsin Law School; Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies Research Topics: Interactions between environmental and health sciences and administrative law; environmental justice; food systems regulation
Matthew TenEyck

TenEyck, Matthew

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants
Director of the Lake Superior Research Institute. Research interests:  additive toxicity of chemicals to freshwater species, the toxic effects of several ballast water treatments systems to freshwater species, bioaccumulation, aquatic invasion ecology . 

Tyner, Emily

Freshwater Collaborative of WisconsinUW-Green Bay
Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants
Director of freshwater strategy. Professional interests: Bay of Green Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve designation; informal water education and outreach; developing and managing citizen science programs; public engagement in science decision-making; public understanding of science.

Verma, Abhishek

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering and Technology. Research Topics: Freshwater science and policy in engineering curriculum, Applications of drone/UAV and underwater robot in natural sciences

Vitale, Sarah

Freshwater Collaborative of WisconsinUW-Eau Claire
Research Area(s): Phosphorus, UW Water Policy Network, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants
Assistant Professor, Department of Geology & Environmental Science. Research Topics: Applied groundwater issues, water quality, aquifer characterization

Wang, Yin

Research Area(s): Industrial Water Engineering & Technology, PFAS, Water Infrastructure, Water Quality Safety & Emerging Contaminants
Associate Professor. Research Topics: Occurrence, fate and transport, and treatment of emerging and recalcitrant pollutants, such as PFAS and heavy metals. Advanced technologies for water treatment and groundwater remediation, environmental chemistry
James Wasley

Wasley, James

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Director of the Institute for Ecological Design and Professor, School of Architecture and Urban Planning; Center for Water Policy Scholar (2017). Research Topics: Green/ Blue Infrastructure, Architecture/ Landscape Architecture/ Urban Design of Ecological Waterscapes
Ken Webb

Webb, Kenneth

UW-Green Bay
Research Area(s): Aquaculture, Aquaponics & Water Food Systems, UW Water Policy Network
Associate Researcher, Biology. Research Topics: Aquaculture, larval fish physiology, sustainable agriculture/water use.

Wichowsky, Amber

Research Area(s): UW Water Policy Network
Associate Professor, Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs/Division of Extension. Research Topics: Collaborative governance, public engagement with science, public policy.

Wojciechowski, Keith

Research Area(s): Agricultural Water Management
Professor, Applied Mathematics. Research: Mathematical models & algorithms for solving applied problems. Application areas include optics, fluid transport through porous materials, thermal transport, imaging, precision agriculture, medical devices, and algal blooms.

Wright, Krisopher

Research Area(s): Agricultural Water Management, Watershed Management & Restoration
Professor, Freshwater Biologist. Research Topics: community ecology in streams, with broader interests in food webs and community interactions in general, southwest Wisconsin trout streams and the effects of restoration activities.

Zegler, Chelsea

Research Area(s): Agricultural Water Management, Phosphorus, UW Water Policy Network
Ag Water Quality Educator, Division of Extension. Research Topics: Dissolved Phosphorus Loss, Cover Crops, Nitrogen Leaching, Agricultural Practices