Training Wisconsin’s future workforce to solve freshwater challenges

The Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin is training Wisconsin’s future water workforce to address water challenges.

We partner with the private sector, nonprofits, government agencies, tribal nations, and community members on programs and collaborative research that

  • Engage middle school and high school students and pique their interest in studying water and environmental sciences. 
  • Offer intensive hands-on coursework where college students learn lab and fieldwork techniques. 
  • Teach students technical and professional skills through undergraduate research and internships with on-campus and external partners.
  • Create a jobs pipeline that strengthens Wisconsin’s workforce.

The Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin is a statewide initiative of the 13 Universities of Wisconsin. We are building a collaborative network that is addressing water challenges and training Wisconsin’s future water workforce. 

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Experts Directory

Experts Directory

The Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin includes faculty and staff from the 13 Universities of Wisconsin, creating an extensive network of professionals working in the water industry. They can speak to about a variety of issues, including the 10 Grand Water Challenges.

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