RFPs and Reporting

The Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin receives $5 million per biennial budget from the Wisconsin State Legislature. These funds are distributed to the UW institutions through a Request for Proposal process. Questions about RFPs or grants that have been awarded? Please email rfp-questions@uwm.edu.

Award Change Requests

If you have a current award from the Freshwater Collaborative and need to request a change to program timeline, activities, partners, PI, lead institution, funding, or project goals and objectives, please use the form below.

Funds designated for salary and fringe vary from what was approved in the original grant. No additional funds can be moved to salary and fringe, and no funds from fringe and salary can be moved to other categories.

Award Change Request Form

Request for Proposals

RFP4-2025 will be open from Feb. 3 to April 1, 2025. All submissions must be coordinated through the designated Freshwater Collaborative Steering Committee member at each university.

Reporting Requirements

Please note important details below:

  • Only one survey per project is required. Budget numbers must be submitted for each campus that received funding.
  • If you need to stop the survey and complete it later, follow the URL using the same computer/device to return. If you use a different device, you will start a new survey.
  • If you are a PI on more than one grant, you will need to complete and submit the surveys one at a time.